History of Savory Accents
History of Savory Accents

Savory Accents (previously known as Out of Our Gourd) started selling seasonally at the Dane County Farmers’ Market in the early 1980’s. (around 1982). Back then we sold sold pumpkins, watermelons, raspberries, gourds, popcorn, apples and some other assorted items.
Savory Accents started with Ted working on his family farm near Roxbury in the 1960’s. In addition to a roadside stand on Hwy. 12 the Ballweg’s (usually Mom and several siblings)sold sweet corn door-to-door in the newly developed Hilldale neighborhoods. In the fall they would sell apples/squash/pumpkins on the Capitol Square near the Manchester building.
In 1972 when about a dozen vendors selling on the Capitol Square and State St. banded together to create what is now the Dane County Farmers Market Ted had lost interest in farming.Ted’s mother chose not to join the new vendor affiliation – however-had she done so and had Ted stayed with this family business Savory Accents would have the highest seniority at the DCFM
In the late 1970’s the urge to farming reignited in Ted and his dad offered him an opportunity to operate the family orchard. In addition to apples Ted began to garden between the trees – growing pumpkins, gourds, etc.
Within the first few years he added Chile Peppers because he had discovered their wonderful flavors. Later in the late 1980’s/early 1990’s Joan and Ted met and she brought her outstanding culinary skills and love of spicy foods to the business.
Soon after we changed our name and focused mostly on the incredible flavors we could produce by growing our own chilies.
The business of Savory Accents has grown right alongside the development of the Dane County Farmers Market. The DCFM went from about a dozen vendors to more than 300 and Savory Accents went from a few varieties of chilies to 29 varieties and almost 3 dozen processed products.
Thanks to all of the wonderful people over the years who supported our business ideas and encouraged us to create new products that they purchased and shared with friends and family.
-Ted & Joan